Are you trying to create a coupon code within your eCommerce marketplace? Here is a quick and easy way to add these codes for your customers.

Sample Product

Overall Concept
Coupon codes are used with cart price rules when certain conditions are met. Cart price rules apply discounts to certain products within the shopping cart based on certain conditions that the seller chooses. These discounts are applied automatically when all the conditions are met or when customers enter a valid coupon code for the transaction.
How to add a coupon code
To the top right of the screen, click ADD NEW RULE.
Under the RULE INFORMATION section, start filling out required fields.
- Active should be set to Yes
- Main Website should be highlighted
- Set Customer Groups to your audience
- Set a Specific Coupon code
- Set Uses per coupon/customer if there are promotional restrictions
Under the CONDITIONS section, start filling out required conditions for coupon code.
- If coupon code only applies to specific products, be sure to apply conditions to the specific product. One easy way to to set the SKU number under PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE COMBINATION > SKU > Type in SKU number for your product
- Under the ACTIONS section, start filling out required conditions for coupon code.
- Click the SAVE button at the top. This should take you back to your Cart Price Rules page where you are able to see your new coupon code.
- Click the EDIT button under ACTION for your rule. This should take you back to the rule where you can edit your promotion time.
- Click on the SCHEDULE NEW UPDATE button at the top right corner.
- Fill out the section under SCHEDULE UPDATE.
- Set the START and END date for the promotion > click SAVE at the top - Test the coupon code by going to the website > add the item to cart > click CHECKOUT > fill out personal details
- Type in coupon code > click APPLY DISCOUNT
You should see your coupon code applied underORDER SUMMARY